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- Frequently asked questions about the coronavirus vaccinations
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Frequently asked questions about Corona
Getting the coronavirus vaccination
- Who can get the coronavirus vaccination?
- Are coronavirus vaccinations done every autumn, like flu jabs?
- How can I get the coronavirus vaccination?
- How can I get a coronavirus vaccination with a protein vaccine?
- I am pregnant. Can I get a coronavirus vaccination?
- I cannot get to the GGD vaccination centre myself. What should I do?
- Can I get the coronavirus vaccination without making an appointment?
- Can I get the coronavirus vaccination together with someone else?
- Can I get the coronavirus vaccination at the same time as another vaccination?
- Are there medical reasons not to get the coronavirus vaccination?
- I am hesitant because I don’t think I need a coronavirus vaccination.
- Can my child get the coronavirus vaccination?
- May my child get the coronavirus vaccination if the other parent has not given permission?
- I got a letter, email or text message calling me up for a coronavirus vaccination. Is that possible?
Preparing for the vaccination appointment
- What do I have to do before I come to the vaccination appointment?
- Where can I find the health questionnaire?
- Why do I have to fill in the questionnaire about my health?
- I have a cold. Can I come to the appointment to get the coronavirus vaccination?
- Have you just had coronavirus and have you been referred by your doctor for an extra coronavirus vaccination?
- What should I do if I’m afraid of needles?
- Can I move my vaccination appointment?
- Can I cancel my vaccination appointment?
- I did not get an email about my vaccination appointment. What should I do?
Vaccins and information about my coronavirus vaccination
- What vaccine will I get?
- How do I know if a coronavirus vaccination is safe?
- How can I see the information about my coronavirus vaccination?
- Can I decide myself if I want to give permission for data about my coronavirus vaccination to be stored at RIVM?
- Can the coronavirus vaccination be put on my Yellow Card?