I got a letter, email or text message calling me up for a coronavirus vaccination. Is that possible?
Yes, that is possible. If you were born in 1964 or earlier, you will get a letter from the RIVM this autumn. The letter calls you up for a coronavirus vaccination.
Did you make an appointment yourself for a coronavirus vaccination? Then you will get an email from the GGD confirming the appointment. And a text message with a reminder about the appointment.
Were you born in 1965 or later? And did you get a letter even though you did not make an appointment yourself? Then something is wrong and the letter is not from the GGD. This also applies to emails or text messages you get in this situation. Please note: The coronavirus vaccination at the GGD is always free. You do not have to pay. Does the email or text message talk about paying? Or does it say you have to click on a banking website? Then do not click on anything! And throw away the email or text at once. The email or text is definitely not from the GGD. It is from someone who is trying to steal money from you.
See also:
Beware of fake emails in the name of GGD GHOR Nederland (GGD GHOR Nederland) (in Dutch only).